# None Of You The Emancipation of Canadian People-Kind (The non-moistly-speaking version.) The word liberation, originally meaning “setting free or releasing from,” first entered the English language in the fifteenth century (1400’s). The term was not widely used in a political sense until the mid-nineteenth century and especially the mid-twentieth century. A liberation movement is an organization or political movement leading a rebellion, or a non-violent social movement, against a colonial power or national government, often seeking independence based on a nationalist identity and an anti-imperialist outlook. Anti-imperialism. These movements prioritize the liberation of their nation over the many other possible social goals, and therefore demand that their people and leaders unite around that priority. From Wikipedia . . . Yeah, I know.
I have a dream !!!!! (It never wears out) And my dream is not for more government money, a nicer home in which to dwell, or even to find the Fountain of Youth (for we all know the youth themselves are the fountain – see Adrenochrome) EEEeeeeuuuwww! . . . E.U. ? My dream is for leaders. Sadly, many of the ‘Leaders of Today’ are Schwab’s students of yesteryear. Cultivated to the 3-leaf stage and green-housed (with CO2) to practice their lies and bodily gesticulations in front of many mirrors; to grow under the fertilized soil of secret gardens (yeah, I know) under someone like Epstein or Maxwell until they ripen into suited, compromised, robotic, miscreants – whereupon they are individually harvested and re-planted into our societies where they spread out like a pestilence upon the land. Just like their ‘parents?’ before them. Kind of a generational infestation, ya think????? _______________________ And it’s not like we rebellious ‘slaves’ have never acted out before, for it is only unwashed masses that rebel. There were a couple of minor occurrences in the past which may lend authenticity and ethnicity to the current global uprising. Minus the Canadian (now global) truckers, reflect upon the torch and pitchfork eras of: Swedish War of Liberation (1521–23), The Eighty Years’ War, The Khmelnytsky Uprising. The American Revolutionary War, The Irish Rebellion of 1798, The Irish Rebellion of 1803, The Kashmir insurgency against Indian forces, The Peninsular War against Napoleon’s occupation of Spain and Portugal during the Napoleonic Wars. The Haitian Revolution, The German Wars of Liberation against Napoleon’s occupation of German lands during the Napoleonic Wars, The Spanish American wars of independence, The Greek War of Independence (1821), The Serbian Revolution, The Serbian–Turkish Wars (1876–1878) . . . The Philippine Revolution, The August Revolution, Vietminh against Japanese invasion of Vietnam, The First Indochina War, Vietminh against French occupation of Vietnam, The Indonesian National Revolution, The Tamil resistance to Sri Lankan colonization in Tamil-speaking territories and discrimination against the Tamil people, The Zionist armed insurrection in the Palestine Mandate, involving the Lehi and Irgun, and later the Haganah. Also the Israeli Independence War against various Arab states, The Madagascar revolt against the French in 1947, The Algerian War against France (1954–1962), In Angola (People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), National Liberation Front of Angola (FNLA), National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA)), Mozambique (FRELIMO), Guinea-Bissau (PAIGC, FLING), and Cape Verde (PAIGC) against Portugal, In Cameroon, by the UPC against France, In South Yemen by the National Liberation Front (NLF) and the Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen (FLOSY), The Mau Mau Rebellion, The Rhodesian Bush War in white Rhodesia, The Bangladesh Liberation War against West Pakistan, The Vietnam War, with , The Vietcong in South Vietnam against the military forces of South Vietnam and the United States. In Afghanistan, against the occupying Soviet Army, In Ireland, the Irish War of Independence and The Troubles in Northern Ireland; the Provisional IRA insurgency against the United Kingdom, aimed at creating a socialist republic within a united Ireland, from 1969 until 1998, In Cambodia, against the occupying Vietnamese Army and People’s Republic of Kampuchea. In Nicaragua, by Augusto Sandino‘s forces against the occupying U.S. Marines, In Chad, by FROLINAT against the Tombalbaye dictatorship, In South Africa, against apartheid by Umkhonto we Sizwe and Poqo, In China, the Chinese Civil War (1945–1949), the Eritrean War of Independence against Ethiopia, the First and Second Chechen Wars, by the Chechen peoples against Russia, In Bougainville, by the Bougainville Revolutionary Army against Papua New Guinea, The Turkish War of Independence, The Ogaden War of 1977 against Ethiopia, aaaaand… The successful Maccabean Revolt against the colonial Greek Seleucid Empire. And so on . . . ____________________ And in the latest macabre twist of cruelty to brave citizens of Canada, some family’s helpless, patriotic Grandma on a mobility scooter was trampled by Ottawa police horses in what has become our very own Chinese Tiananmen Square. Compare the viral videos of that to how our CBC, state funded media reported it. And just who the hell is it that trains horses to do these things? Hollllyyyy Horse Shitballs! History might very well be a bummer, but it does have a certain common denominator . . . that of the succession to power of leaders of more and more evil agendas, as time progresses. The World Economic Forum… W.E.F. , . . . in reverse, THE F.E.W.? Kind of like . . . demented parasites?
It seems to me that there’s a lot of dust settling upon these career politicians – P.M.’s, Premier’s, Mayors, Aldermen, Appointee Ministers, Chiefs of Police, Hospital Administrators, all of their aspiring successors . . . not to mention the banksters, the managers of the big-box stores, … the #Karen’s of society with all their frail insecurities. I don’t feel I’m alone in this. I dream I can see something coming down the road and it’s a huuuuuge truck? And mounted upon its bumper is a little, tiny . . . Swiffer – because dust is lightweight. Soooooooo, To get back on topic, (busy mind and all) what is my dream? What do I think is needed? Mayhap it’s time to do some spring cleaning. Deep style! Right down to using . . . Q-Tips perhaps? (Yeah, I know) For those tight, hard to clean little places. Mayhap there are elections coming. Mayhap these dusty, suited, self-serving aspirations of pious control can smell blood in the water and just maybe they’re thinking it’s an opportune time to feign patriotism as they pull the price tags from their new bush-jacket costumes and groom their days beard-growth and maybe using the newer lariat of chains, wrangle themselves a seat at the safe and effective table of gluttony. Ya think????? Eventually, they will come-a-grovelling in their best-groomed costume asking who we think is best to toss a rope into the quicksand they pulled us into. They and their shills will come in all their pretty, scented forms to deliver those same practiced, smiling lines of bullshit – from Prime Minister to Dog-catcher – promising rainbows and unicorns and a pretty sign for your lawn. They will blow their proverbial Narcissistic smoke up your beaten ass as they plead for your support. They will nod in understanding and praise your loyalty and then ask . . . who will you vote for? Well, I’m quite confident that once Trudeau has been incarcerated, angry eyes will turn toward all those who facilitated the illegal enforcement of an inexhaustible list of global and national indictable offences. From Premiers, Mayors, to Aldermen, to Health Ministers and doctors and nurses, to Police Chiefs to Police Members to Peace Officers to security guards to all those store owners or managers, to restaurant owners and managers and hostesses and hosts who demanded vax-ports, to all those Karen’s and snitches who just love to report their neighbors at the drop of an opportunity. To main stream and other media who wilfully misreported true and actual events and facts, to those counter protesters and their mischievous pals. Those parents who crippled or murdered their own children and to all the vaccine centers that helped them do it . . . not to mention school board members and teachers and yes, even bus drivers. All of you, in the curious twist if Karma, will be going to jail for abetting and aiding in crimes against humanity and in genocide . . . for just following orders. You all might want to ‘Lawyer Up’ because displayed below is what you are all facing. Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act S.C. 2000, c. 24 Assented to 2000-06-29 An Act respecting genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes and to implement the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and to make consequential amendments to other Acts. Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
1 This Act may be cited as the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act.
conventional international law means any convention, treaty or other international agreement o (a) that is in force and to which Canada is a party; or o (b) that is in force and the provisions of which Canada has agreed to accept and apply in an armed conflict in which it is involved. (droit international conventionnel) International Criminal Court means the International Criminal Court established by the Rome Statute. (Cour pénale internationale) official, in respect of the International Criminal Court, means the Prosecutor, Registrar, Deputy Prosecutor and Deputy Registrar, and the staff of the organs of the Court. (fonctionnaire) Rome Statute means the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court adopted by the United Nations Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court on July 17, 1998, as corrected by the procès-verbaux of November 10, 1998, July 12, 1999, November 30, 1999 and May 8, 2000, portions of which are set out in the schedule. (Statut de Rome) (2) Unless otherwise provided, words and expressions used in this Act have the same meaning as in the Criminal Code.
Her Majesty Binding on Her Majesty 3 This Act is binding on Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province.
Offences Within Canada 4 (1) Every person is guilty of an indictable offence who commits (a) genocide; (b) a crime against humanity; or (c) a war crime. (1.1) Every person who conspires or attempts to commit, is an accessory after the fact in relation to, or counsels in relation to, an offence referred to in subsection (1) is guilty of an indictable offence. (2) Every person who commits an offence under subsection (1) or (1.1) (a) shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life, if an intentional killing forms the basis of the offence; and (b) is liable to imprisonment for life, in any other case. (3) The definitions in this subsection apply in this section. crime against humanity means murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, imprisonment, torture, sexual violence, persecution or any other inhumane act or omission that is committed against any civilian population or any identifiable group and that, at the time and in the place of its commission, constitutes a crime against humanity according to customary international law or conventional international law or by virtue of its being criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations, whether or not it constitutes a contravention of the law in force at the time and in the place of its commission. (crime contre l’humanité) genocide means an act or omission committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, an identifiable group of persons, as such, that, at the time and in the place of its commission, constitutes genocide according to customary international law or conventional international law or by virtue of its being criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations, whether or not it constitutes a contravention of the law in force at the time and in the place of its commission. (génocide) war crime means an act or omission committed during an armed conflict that, at the time and in the place of its commission, constitutes a war crime according to customary international law or conventional international law applicable to armed conflicts, whether or not it constitutes a contravention of the law in force at the time and in the place of its commission. (crime de guerre) (4) For greater certainty, crimes described in Articles 6 and 7 and paragraph 2 of Article 8 of the Rome Statute are, as of July 17, 1998, crimes according to customary international law. This does not limit or prejudice in any way the application of existing or developing rules of international law.
(1) A military commander commits an indictable offence if (a) the military commander (i) fails to exercise control properly over a person under their effective command and control or effective authority and control, and as a result the person commits an offence under section 4, or (ii) fails, after the coming into force of this section, to exercise control properly over a person under their effective command and control or effective authority and control, and as a result the person commits an offence under section 6; (b) the military commander knows, or is criminally negligent in failing to know, that the person is about to commit or is committing such an offence; and (c) the military commander subsequently (i) fails to take, as soon as practicable, all necessary and reasonable measures within their power to prevent or repress the commission of the offence, or the further commission of offences under section 4 or 6, or (ii) fails to take, as soon as practicable, all necessary and reasonable measures within their power to submit the matter to the competent authorities for investigation and prosecution. (2) A superior commits an indictable offence if (a) the superior (i) fails to exercise control properly over a person under their effective authority and control, and as a result the person commits an offence under section 4, or (ii) fails, after the coming into force of this section, to exercise control properly over a person under their effective authority and control, and as a result the person commits an offence under section 6; (b) the superior knows that the person is about to commit or is committing such an offence, or consciously disregards information that clearly indicates that such an offence is about to be committed or is being committed by the person; (c) the offence relates to activities for which the superior has effective authority and control; and (d) the superior subse-quently (i) fails to take, as soon as practicable, all necessary and reasonable measures within their power to prevent or repress the commission of the offence, or the further commission of offences under section 4 or 6, or (ii) fails to take, as soon as practicable, all necessary and reasonable measures within their power to submit the matter to the competent authorities for investigation and prosecution.
(2.1) Every person who conspires or attempts to commit, is an accessory after the fact in relation to, or counsels in relation to, an offence referred to in subsection (1) or (2) is guilty of an indictable offence. (3) Every person who commits an offence under subsection (1), (2) or (2.1) is liable to imprisonment for life. (4) The definitions in this subsection apply in this section. military commander includes a person effectively acting as a military commander and a person who commands police with a degree of authority and control comparable to a military commander. (chef militaire) superior means a person in authority, other than a military commander. (supérieur) Offences Outside Canada (1) Every person who, either before or after the coming into force of this section, commits outside Canada (a) genocide, (b) a crime against humanity, or (c) a war crime, is guilty of an indictable offence and may be prosecuted for that offence in accordance with section 8. (1.1) Every person who conspires or attempts to commit, is an accessory after the fact in relation to, or counsels in relation to, an offence referred to in subsection (1) is guilty of an indictable offence. (2) Every person who commits an offence under subsection (1) or (1.1) (a) shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life, if an intentional killing forms the basis of the offence; and (b) is liable to imprisonment for life, in any other case. (3) The definitions in this subsection apply in this section. crime against humanity means murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, imprisonment, torture, sexual violence, persecution or any other inhumane act or omission that is committed against any civilian population or any identifiable group and that, at the time and in the place of its commission, constitutes a crime against humanity according to customary international law or conventional international law or by virtue of its being criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations, whether or not it constitutes a contravention of the law in force at the time and in the place of its commission. (crime contre l’humanité) genocide means an act or omission committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, an identifiable group of persons, as such, that at the time and in the place of its commission, constitutes genocide according to customary international law or conventional international law or by virtue of its being criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations, whether or not it constitutes a contravention of the law in force at the time and in the place of its commission. (génocide) war crime means an act or omission committed during an armed conflict that, at the time and in the place of its commission, constitutes a war crime according to customary international law or conventional international law applicable to armed conflicts, whether or not it constitutes a contravention of the law in force at the time and in the place of its commission. (crime de guerre) (4) For greater certainty, crimes described in articles 6 and 7 and paragraph 2 of article 8 of the Rome Statute are, as of July 17, 1998, crimes according to customary international law, and may be crimes according to customary international law before that date. This does not limit or prejudice in any way the application of existing or developing rules of international law. (5) For greater certainty, the offence of crime against humanity was part of customary international law or was criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations before the coming into force of either of the following: (a) the Agreement for the prosecution and punishment of the major war criminals of the European Axis, signed at London on August 8, 1945; and (b) the Proclamation by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, dated January 19, 1946. 7(1) A military commander commits an indictable offence if (a) the military commander, outside Canada, (i) fails to exercise control properly over a person under their effective command and control or effective authority and control, and as a result the person commits an offence under section 4, or (ii) fails, before or after the coming into force of this section, to exercise control properly over a person under their effective command and control or effective authority and control, and as a result the person commits an offence under section 6; (b) the military commander knows, or is criminally negligent in failing to know, that the person is about to commit or is committing such an offence; and (c) the military commander subsequently (i) fails to take, as soon as practicable, all necessary and reasonable measures within their power to prevent or repress the commission of the offence, or the further commission of offences under section 4 or 6, or (ii) fails to take, as soon as practicable, all necessary and reasonable measures within their power to submit the matter to the competent authorities for investigation and prosecution. (2) A superior commits an indictable offence if (a) the superior, outside Canada, (i) fails to exercise control properly over a person under their effective authority and control, and as a result the person commits an offence under section 4, or (ii) fails, before or after the coming into force of this section, to exercise control properly over a person under their effective authority and control, and as a result the person commits an offence under section 6; (b) the superior knows that the person is about to commit or is committing such an offence, or consciously disregards information that learly indicates that such an offence is about to be committed or is being committed by the person; (c) the offence relates to activities for which the superior has effective authority and control; and (d) the superior subsequently (i) fails to take, as soon as practicable, all necessary and reasonable measures within their power to prevent or repress the commission of the offence, or the further commission of offences under section 4 or 6, or (ii) fails to take, as soon as practicable, all necessary and reasonable measures within their power to submit the matter to the competent authorities for investigation and prosecution. (2.1) Every person who conspires or attempts to commit, is an accessory after the fact in relation to, or counsels in relation to, an offence referred to in subsection (1) or (2) is guilty of an indictable offence. (3) A person who is alleged to have committed an offence under subsection (1), (2) or (2.1) may be prosecuted for that offence in accordance with section 8. (4) Every person who commits an offence under subsection (1), (2) or (2.1) is liable to imprisonment for life. (5) Where an act or omission constituting an offence under this section occurred before the coming into force of this section, subparagraphs (1)(a)(ii) and (2)(a)(ii) apply to the extent that, at the time and in the place of the act or omission, the act or omission constituted a contravention of customary international law or conventional international law or was criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations, whether or not it constituted a contravention of the law in force at the time and in the place of its commission. (6) The definitions in this subsection apply in this section. military commander includes a person effectively acting as a military commander and a person who commands police with a degree of authority and control comparable to a military commander. (chef militaire) superior means a person in authority, other than a military commander. (supérieur) ________________
Soooooo, there’s a strong likelihood many of you will not be available to serve a term as anything! You also push or accept Cancel Culture for Canada? You watch without comment as BLM does their thing accompanied by our very own Prime Meme-ister? ____________________ My answer as to the vote? How about. . . #None of You. From dog-catcher to P.M. . . . #None of you.
You remain smug and silent for two effing years and suddenly you’re concerned??? __________________________
#None Of You – Aaaannnnd . . . . . until you and everyone in your extended families and your best buddies and your ex’s provide Forensic Financial Audits into all your and their finances and investments, disclose by data transparency, any and all promises to sit on some Board of Directors after you vacate, any gifts from lobbyists either given or promised, any contracts you awarded, any 3rd party promises to pay your children’s scholarships, and so on. Until you pass that same criterion, we proles have had to live under from cradle to grave, until you accept transparency in all your affairs. Until you prove your fitness to serve US, # None of You. *No deadly spittle was moistly ejected during this writing* P.S. Are you getting the hint that open, frank, passionate writing is allowed, welcomed and posted here on Parrhesias.com? Post here. Any Topic, Comment below. Maurice St. Jean 2022/02/19 |